/ 13 stycznia, 2025

The competition committee appointed by the Dean of the Doctoral School on November 29, 2024, considered the applications of doctoral students of doctoral schools at the University of Silesia in Katowice in the competition for an increase in the doctoral scholarship for the academic year 2024/2025. After considering all the applications, the committee decided to grant an increase in the doctoral scholarship to 32 doctoral students.

International Environmental Doctoral School

Second year:

  • Marta Woszczycka

Third year:

  • Uroosa

Fourth year:

  • Janusz Godziek

More information and full list of the doctoral students with increased scholarship: https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/en/stypendium-doktoranckie-w-szkole-doktorskiej/wyniki-konkursu-na-zwiekszenie-stypendium-w-ramach-idb-2024-2025/Results of the competition to increase the scholarship under the IDB | Szkoła Doktorska

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