Data availability statement
University of Silesia undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act dated 4th April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector entities. Data availability statement concerns the website of University of Silesia in Katowice public information bulletin.
Date of website publication 30th September 2018
Date of recent major update 25th February 2022
The website is partly consistent with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to:
- some graphical elements might not be properly described in the alternative text,
- some video materials might not include audio descriptions,
- links can be found on the website without describing the purpose of the link,
- files with inadequate language declarations, without tags and metadata, may be found on the website,
- there might errors in the website code.
The statement was drawn up on 25th March 2025
The statement was drawn up on the basis of self-assessment conducted by the public sector entity.
The website users are free to choose among standard keyboard shortcuts.
Feedback and contact data
In case of difficulties with website accessibility, please contact us.
Student Service Centre shall be the primary contact: It is also possible to contact us via telephone: 32 359 1998.
International Environmental Doctoral School: dr Michał Ciepły, polarknow[at]; tel. 32 368 93 80
Requests for providing the inaccessible information as well as complaints on the lack of accessibility may be submitted following the same procedure.
Everybody has the right to request the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or an element thereof. One may also request the information with the aid of an alternative access method, for instance through reading out the inaccessible digital document, describing the content of a film with no audio-description etc. The request should contain the data of a person submitting the request, an indication which website or mobile application is concerned and the contact method. If the person requests the need to obtain the information via alternative access method, he/she should additionally specify a convenient method of revealing this information. The public entity should forthwith process the request, not later than within 7 days of the request being submitted. If compliance with the above deadline is not possible, the entity shall immediately inform the requester of the nearest possible date when the request may be processed, whereby this date shall not exceed 2 months from the request having been submitted. If providing digital access is not possible, the public entity may offer an alternative method of accessing the information. In case the public entity refuses to process the request of providing access or refuses to provide access via an alternative method, the requester may file a complaint on the lack of digital availability of a website, mobile application or an element thereof. Having exhausted all of the above methods, one may file an application with the Polish Ombudsman.