/ 8 grudnia, 2021

The University of Silesia announces a competition to increase the doctoral scholarship for the 2020/2021 academic year (scientific achievements from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 will be taken into account).

The rules of the competition, the criteria for awarding a scholarship increase and the scholarship application forms can be found on the website of the University of Silesia: https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/2021/12/06/stypendium-projakosciowe-dla-doktorantow-szkol-doktorskich-za-rok-akademicki-2020-2021-ogloszenie/

Applications should be submitted in the form of a scan of signed documents or a document signed with a qualified electronic signature to the e-mail address: polarknow@us.edu.pl.

Deadline for submitting documents: Monday December 13, 2021 at 9:00 am.

In the case of applications submitted only in the form of a scan, the original document should be delivered no later than December 20 to the office of the Doctoral School.

The aim of the competition is to motivate and support the development and scientific career of young talents.

The pro-quality scholarship for doctoral students of doctoral schools is financed under the University of Silesia program entitled „Research Excellence Initiative”, from the funds obtained in connection with the participation of the University in the „Initiative of Excellence – Research University” program and receiving from the Ministry of Education and Science a 2% increase in subsidies for the period 2020-2025.

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