Publikacje doktorantów MŚSD:


  • Piwosz K., Ameryk A., Wdówka K., Mordec M., Uroosa, Chuvakova A., Khan S, Lacaran J.V. 2024. Vertical distribution of heterotrophic nanoflagellates in the Baltic Proper. Oceanologia Vol. 67 (1).
  • Aguado Gonzalo F, Stokowski M, Koziorowska-Makuch K, Makuch. P, Beszczyńska-Möller A, Kukliński P and Kuliński K. 2024. Key processes controlling the variability of the summer marine CO2 system in Fram Strait surface waters. Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1464653. doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1464653
  • Syed Shabi Ul Hassan Kazmi, Muhammad Tayyab, Uroosa, Paolo Pastorino, Damià Barcelò, Sohrab Khan, Zaher Mundher Yaseen. 2024. Vertical variations and environmental heterogeneity drove the symphony of periphytic protozoan fauna in marine ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment 932.
  • Osika, A., & Jania, J. 2024. Geomorphological and historical records of the surge-type behaviour of Hansbreen (Svalbard). Annals of Glaciology, 1–18. doi:10.1017/aog.2024.32
  • Janusz Godziek. 2024. Root plates of uprooted trees – Automatic detection and biotransport estimation using LiDAR data and field mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 131 (103992).
  • Magdalena Opała-Owczarek, Piotr Owczarek, Mohit Phulara, Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska, Zuzanna Wawrzyniak. 2024. Dendrochronology and extreme climate signals recorded in seven Icelandic shrubs: A multi-species approach in the sub-Arctic,
    Dendrochronologia 85.
  • Piotr Owczarek, Mohit Phulara, Pavlo Shuber, Bartosz Korabiewski, Marek Błaś, Magdalena Opała-Owczarek. 2024. Varied growth response of high alpine Rhododendron myrtifolium and forest zone tree species to climate warming in the Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine. Dendrochronologia 85.
  • Majerska M., Osuch M., Wawrzyniak T. 2024. Long-term patterns and changes of unglaciated High Arctic stream thermal regime. Science of The Total Environment, 923 (171298),
  • Woszczycka M., Gaidzik K.,  Figueroa R.M.A.,  Mendecki M.,  Benavente C. 2024. Unraveling the Complex Interplay: Exploring the Relationships between Seismic and Volcanic Activities in the Colca River Area Using the Coulomb Stress Transfer. Seismological Research Letters 2024.
  • Moreno B., Sowa A., Reginia K., Balazy P., Chelchowski M., Ronowicz M., Kuklinski P. 2024. Sea water temperature and light intensity at high-Arctic subtidal shallows – 16 years perspective. Scientific Data 11 (227).
  • Singh G., Teng D., Turki H., Bouchard L.-F., Chen Y., Chugh M., Wen J., Chen E.Y.-S., Bezerra P., Wu LB., Huang J., Wen Q., Hartzell Ch., Stroup B., Klinger M., Perez E.C., Virguez E., Kirshner S.N. Xu Ch., Sharma V. 2024. Changing outdated expectations. Science 383, (24-26). 1126/science.adn4211
  • Saghravani S.R., Yosoff I., Vadiati M., Alias Y., Srecek O., Bhattacharya P. 2024. Multi-isotopic and hydrochemical evidence of water resources evolution and recharge estimation in the tropical coastal aquifer. Groundwater for Sustainaable Development, 24, 101065.


  • Csapó H.K., Jabłońska A,, Węsławski J.M., Mieszkowska N., Gantsevich M., Dahl-Hansen I., Renaud P., Grabowski M. mtDNA data reveal disparate population structures and High Arctic colonization patterns in three intertidal invertebrates with contrasting life history traits. Sec. Marine Evolutionary Biology, Biogeography and Species Diversity 10,
  • Khomenko D., Jelonek I. 2023. Study of a Low-Cost Method for Estimating Energy Fuel Resources in Anthropogenic Sediments. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 31 (4), 434-441.
  • Romero-Ramirez A., Morales Luna Hadrys L., Kuklinski P., Chelchowski M., Balazy P. 2023. Image analysis and benthic ecology: Proceedings to analyze in situ long-term image series. Limnol Oceanogr Methods (21) 169-177.
  • Assmy P., Kvernvik A.C., Hop H., Hoppe C.J.K., Chierici M., David T.D., Duarte P., Fransson A., García L.M., Patuła W., Kwaśniewski S., Maturilli M., Pavlova O., Tatarek A., Wiktor J.M., Wold A., Wolf K., Bailey A.M. 2023. Seasonal plankton dynamics in Kongsfjorden during two years of contrasting environmental conditions. Progress in Oceanography 213, 102996.
  • Saferna D., Błaszczyk M., Grabiec M., i Gądek B.A., Quantifying Changes in Extent and Velocity of the Hornbreen/Hambergbreen Glacial System (SW, Spitsbergen) Based on Timeseries of Multispectral Satellite Imagery, Remote Sensing 15(14), 3529.
  • Chen E., Trudnowska E., Błachowiak-Samołyk K. 2023. It’s a female’s world: sex ratio of polar pelagic ostracods tested across multiple spatiotemporal scales. Journal of Plankton Research 45(5), 763-776.
  • Podgórski J., Pętlicki M., Fernández A., Urrutia R., Kinnard Ch. 2023. Evaluating the impact of the Central Chile Mega Drought on debris cover, broadband albedo, and surface drainage system of a Dry Andes glacier. Science of The Total Environment 905, 166907. 
  • Patuła W., Ronowicz M., Weydmann-Zwolicka A. 2023. The interplay between predatory chaetognaths and zooplankton community in a high Arctic fjord. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 285, 108295,
  • Sowa A., Kuklinski P., Weydmann-Zwolicka A., Balazy P., Chelchowski M., Søreide J.E., Ronowicz M. 2023. Factors shaping epibionts recruitment in the high Arctic (Isfjorden, Spitsbergen): A year-round investigation using experimental plates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 283, 108281,
  • Iglikowska A., Przytarska J., Humphreys-Williams E., Najorka J., Chełchowski M., Sowa A., Hop H., Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Kukliński P. 2023. Shell mineralogy and chemistry – Arctic bivalves in a global context, Marine Pollution Bulletin 189, 114759,
  • Kachniarz K., Grabiec M., Ignatiuk D., Laska M., Luks B. 2023. Changes in the Structure of the Snow Cover of Hansbreen (S Spitsbergen) Derived from Repeated High-Frequency Radio-Echo Sounding. Remote Sensing 2023, 15(1), 189, DOI:10.3390/rs15010189
  • Godziek J., Pawlik Ł. 2023. Indicators of wind-driven forest disturbances – pit–mound topography, its automatic detection and significance. Catena 221(A), 106757, 


  • Pyza M., Brzezińska N., Kulińska K., Gabor J.H., Barylski A.M., Aniołek K.S., Garczyk-Mundała Ż.A., Adebesin K.E., Swinarew A.S. 2022. Polylactide-based composite materials for 3D printing and medical applications – the effect of basalt and silicon dioxide addition Engineering of Biomaterials / Inżynieria Biomateriałów 166, 29–39.
  • Osuch M., Wawrzyniak T., Majerska M. 2022. Changes in hydrological regime in High Arctic non-glaciated catchment in 1979‒2020 using a multimodel approach. Advances in Climate Change Research 13(4),
  • Phulara M., Opała-Owczarek M., Owczarek P. 2022. Climatic Signals on Growth Ring Variation in Salix herbacea: Comparing Two Contrasting Sites in Iceland. Atmosphere 13(5), 718,
  • Osika A., Jania J., Szafraniec J.E. 2022. Holocene ice-free strait followed by dynamic Neoglacial fluctuations: Hornsund, Svalbard. The Holocene 32 (7), 664-679.
  • Chen E.Y., Adams D.K. 2022. The evolution of neurosensation provides opportunities and constraints for phenotypic plasticity. Scientific Reports 12, 11883 (2022). 
  • Urbański J., Litwicka D. 2022. The decline of Svalbard land-fast sea ice extent as a result of climate change. Oceanologia 64(3), 535-545.
  • Jakubas D., Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Szeligowska M., Darecki M., Boehnke R., Balazy K., Trudnowska E, Kidawa D., Grissot A., Descamps S., Błachowiak-Samołyk K. 2022. Gone with the wind – Wind speed affects prey accessibility for a High Arctic zooplanktivorous seabird, the little auk Alle alle. Science of The Total Environment 852, 158533.
  • Stachniak K. M., Sitek S., Ignatiuk D., Jania J.A. 2022. Hydrogeological Model of the Forefield Drainage System of Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard, Water 14(9) 1514,
  • Szeligowska M., Trudnowska E., Boehnke R., Błachowiak-Samołyk K. 2022: Dark plumes of glacial meltwater affect vertical distribution of zooplankton in the Arctic. Scientific Report 12, 17953 (2022).
  • Pawlik Ł., Godziek J., Zawolik Ł. 2022. Forest Damage by Extra-Tropical Cyclone Klaus-Modeling and Prediction. Forests 2022, 13(12), 1991.


  • Szeligowska M., Trudnowska E., Boehnke R., Dąbrowska A.M., Dragańska-Deja K., Deja K., Darecki M., Błachowiak-Samołyk 2021. The interplay between plankton and particles in the Isfjorden waters influenced by marine- and land-terminating glaciers. Science of The Total Environment 780, 146491 (2021).
  • Rudnicka-Kępa P., Zaborska, A. 2021. Sources, fate and distribution of inorganic contaminants in the Svalbard area, representative of a typical Arctic critical environment – a review. Environ Monit Assess 193, 724 (2021).
  • Csapó H.K, Grabowski M., Węsławski J.M. 2021. Coming home – Boreal ecosystem claims Atlantic sector of the Arctic. Science of The Total Environment 771, 144817 (2021).
  • Posyniak M.A., Markowicz K.M., Czyżewska D., Chiliński M., Makuch P., Zawadzka-Mańko O., Kucięba S., Kulesza K., Kachniarz K., Mijal K., Borek K. 2021. Experimental study of smog microphysical and optical vertical structure in the Silesian Beskids, Poland. Atmospheric Pollution Research 12(9), 2021, 101171.
  • Weydmann-Zwolicka A., Balazy P., Kuklinski P., Søreide J.E., Patuła W., Ronowicz M. 2021. Meroplankton seasonal dynamics in the high Arctic fjord: comparison of different sampling methods. Progress in Oceanography 190, 102484.


  • Podgórski J., Pętlicki M., 2020. Detailed Lacustrine Calving Iceberg Inventory from very High Resolution Optical Imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis. Remote Sensing 12(11),
  • Szeligowska M., Trudnowska E., Boehnke R., Dąbrowska A. M., Wiktor J. M., Sagan S., Błachowiak-Samołyk K. 2020. Spatial Patterns of Particles and Planktonin the Warming Arctic Fjord (Isfjorden,West Spitsbergen) in Seven Consecutive Mid-Summers (2013–2019). Front. Mar. Sci. 7:584.
  • Csapó, H., Krzywoźniak, P., Grabowski, M., Wattier R., Bącela-Spychalska K., Mamos T., Jelić M., Rawicz T. 2020. Successful post-glacial colonization of Europe by single lineage of freshwater amphipod from its Pannonian Plio-Pleistocene diversification hotspot. Scientific Reports 10, 18695 (2020).
  • Zaborska A., Strzelewicz A., Rudnicka P., Moskalik M. 2020. Processes driving heavy metal distribution in the seawater of an Arctic fjord (Hornsund, southern Spitsbergen), Marine Pollution Bulletin.